Development Renews

Development Renews

After a year or so of not being able to stay on top of things due to a major transition in life, I’m now renewing my efforts to maintain Gentoo Studio. Currently, the stage4 tarball is in flux as I work things out and make improvements. If you find any issues, please let me know…

August 2018 Changelog

PACKAGES ADDED: media-libs/libopenshot added to overlay to match addition of media-video/openshot. media-video/openshot added to overlay, as latest version is not in Portage. EBUILDS UPDATED: media-sound/carla: PyQt4 to match the main Portage tree masking all qt4 stuff. media-sound/carla: media-libs/libprojectm-qt removed from RDEPEND as it requires Qt4, which is no longer in Portage. Version info removed from…

Bye-bye, Beta

I am officially declaring Gentoo Studio to be out of beta. For the most part, it installs well either manually or using the install script, and all of the components that make Gentoo Studio Gentoo Studio actually work. As usual, please continue to let me know if you have any issues, and I will do…

June 2018 Changelog

PACKAGE.* CHANGES Added to package.use: media-libs/libffado python_single_target_python2_7 python_targets_python2_7 -python_targets_python3_4 -python_single_target_python3_4 -python_targets_python3_5 -python_single_target_python3_5 -python_targets_python3_6 -python_single_target_python3_6 This prevents libffado from requiring scons-3 and python-3, which causes libffado to fail to compile.     SYSTEM CHANGES: There is now a realtime group that you need to add your user to. I will  try to look into having this…

May 2018 Changelog

May was a quiet month for Gentoo Studio. I apologize. I have had a lot going on on the home front. PACKAGES ADDED: media-libs/libprojectm-qt copied to overlay from Portage and placed in package.unmask. It it slated for removal from Portage, but Carla still depends on it. media-sound/hydrogen-9999 added to overlay. Portage version now fails due…

Tracktion Waveform and Gentoo

Tracktion has a DAW called Waveform. They support and release a Linux installer; however, it is Debian-based. I just wrote to their support department asking if they have a Linux installer that unpacks and installs Linux binaries without depending on a .deb file. While I was able to unpack the 30-day trial .deb file and…

March 2018 Update

First, I am changing the title of these posts from “changelog” to “update.” It just makes more sense, since it’s more than a simple changelog. Second, having a moment of weird paranoia where it seems like at least two things I could have sworn were in the GentooStudio overlay are now not there. I noticed…

Wren – an open source, modular synth

I recently had a chance to hear Jan Punter’s Wren during the 2018 spring equinox streaming radio concert. This synth is amazing. It produced a vast range of sounds, from bongo-like percussion to deeply disturbing growls to mellow flute-like breezes. He offers it under a GNU license, so if anyone wants to  nab the…

GentooUsage shows Gentoo Studio

Gentoo Studio is now listed on Aliceinwire’s GentooUsage page:

February 2018 Changelog

INSTALLER CHANGES: Installer now sets MAKEOPTS for you. This is the variable that tells Portage how many parallel operations to perform, and should be equal to the number of CPU cores in your system. PACKAGES REMOVED: media-sound/cadence::GentooStudio. Cadence is now in audio-overlay, no need for duplicates. media-sound/jack2::GentooStudio: The Gentoo version now supports Firewire so the…